



出席费用(COA): The estimated total cost of attending an institution for one academic year. This amount may include the following:

  • Estimated charges for one academic year of tuition and fees
    • Tuition – Charges assessed for classes and/or other coursework
    • Fees – Charges assessed for other college services (e.g. technology access, recreational center use)
  • Housing – Includes residence hall charges for on-campus students or an estimate of rent and utilities for an off-campus student
  • Food – Includes the cost of a meal plan and/or an estimate of the costs of food prepared at home
  • Estimated transportation and parking costs
  • Estimated costs for books, course materials, supplies, and equipment
  • Purchase or rental of a computer
  • Miscellaneous costs 如 personal hygiene, laundry, and reasonable entertainment
  • Other costs specific to certain student circumstances related to attendance, 如 dependent care during periods of class attendance or study, expenses related to disabilities, 出国留学, 教育贷款费用, 和其他人
  • 学生健康保险费用

默认值: Failure to make student loan payments or otherwise honor its terms; reported to credit bureaus and can influence future credit.

教育贷款: A form of financial aid that must be repaid. Educational loans have varying fees, interest rates, repayment terms, and/or borrower protections.

  • 联邦学生贷款: Federal funds made available to 学生 that must be paid back by 学生. Students must complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) to receive these loans. Repayment begins six months after 学生 ceases to be enrolled at least half-time with options to delay payment available. To be eligible, 学生 must be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program of study.
    • Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan: Loan funds provided to 学生 by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. 本科 students with financial need can qualify for a subsidized loan. The government pays the interest on the loan while 学生 remains enrolled at least half time and during certain periods when the government allows deferment of repayment. There are annual limits on the amounts that may be borrowed, which vary by 学生's academic year in school and 学生's dependent or independent status.
    • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan: Loan funds provided to 学生 by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. 本科 students and graduate students regardless of their need, qualify for an unsubsidized loan, provided they have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Interest accrual begins immediately, and 学生 can choose to pay the interest while enrolled or upon entering repayment. There are annual limits on the amounts that may be borrowed, which vary by 学生's academic year in school and 学生's dependent or independent status.
    • Federal Direct 研究生 PLUS Loan: Loan funds provided to graduate students by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. This federal loan program allows graduate students with no adverse credit history to apply for a loan amount up to their Cost of Attendance each year, less any other financial aid received.
    • Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan (PLUS): Loan funds provided to the parents of dependent undergraduate students by the U.S. Department of Education, through the school. This federal loan program allows parents with no adverse credit history to apply for a loan amount up to the Cost of Attendance each year, less any financial aid received by the dependent student. Repayment of principal and interest begins immediately once the loan is fully disbursed with some options to delay payment available.
  • 私人贷款: A student or parent loan from a commercial, state-affiliated or institutional lender used to pay for up to the annual Cost of Attendance, less any financial aid received. Private loans have varying interest rates, fees and repayment options and usually require the applicant to be creditworthy, 或者找一个信誉良好的代销商. Repayment generally begins immediately.

注册状态: Academic workload (or course load), 由机构定义, in which a student is enrolled for a defined academic period. This normally relates to the number of credit hours or clock hours taken by a student during a given academic period (e.g. full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, less-than-half-time).

预期直接成本: Charges included in the Cost of Attendance that 学生/family pays directly to the college.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC): An eligibility index that college financial aid staff use to determine how much financial aid you would receive if you were to attend their school. The EFC is calculated according to a formula specified in law and is based upon the information provided by 学生 and their family on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Family Financial Responsibility (FFR): Many schools award institutional need-based 奖学金 and grants based upon a more comprehensive calculation of family financial circumstances using information provided on the CSS PROFILE or the institution's own financial aid form. This can result in a higher (or lower) figure than the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) might indicate with its Expected Family Contribution (EFC) estimate.

联邦佩尔助学金: A federal grant provided by the federal government to undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need and have an Expected Family Contribution below a certain threshold established by the federal government. The Pell Grant award amount is prorated based on Enrollment Status.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): A federal grant awarded by the institution to qualified undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients.

联邦勤工俭学: A federal program offered and administered by the institution that provides opportunity for part-time employment to students with financial need to help pay their educational expenses. Students are responsible for finding qualified employment. Funds are paid out through a paycheck, as earned.

礼物的援助: Funds awarded to 学生 that do not have to be repaid, unless 学生 fails to meet certain criteria, 如 a service requirement that is specified as a condition of the gift aid or not completing the period for which the aid was awarded. Gift aid can include 奖 with titles 如 grants, 奖学金, 缓解, 奖, 豁免, 等. Gift aid can be awarded based upon many factors, including (but not limited to) financial need, 学术, 运动, 音乐的, 和/或戏剧天赋, 与各种团体的联系, 和/或职业抱负.

格兰特: Gift Aid that is typically based on financial need.

收入分成协议(isa): A student's contract with their institution or a private entity to pay a percentage of their future earnings for a fixed period after graduation in exchange for funds to pay for their education while enrolled.

间接成本: Estimated expenses in the Cost of Attendance that are not paid directly to the institution.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG): A federal grant to qualifying students with a parent or guardian who died as a result of U.S. military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001. If a student is eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, he or she cannot receive an IASG.

需要: The student's Cost of Attendance minus their Expected Family Contribution, or Family Financial Responsibility (如果适用的话).

净价:Amount of direct and indirect costs remaining after all Gift Aid is applied. Net price can be covered through a variety of sources, 包括:储蓄, 收入, 还有教育贷款.

项目级别: Level of the degree-granting program in which a student is enrolled. Program levels may include: undergraduate (students seeking an associate degree, 本科毕业证书, or a baccalaureate degree); post-baccalaureate (如 teacher certification); or graduate (students working on a master's degree, 毕业证书, 博士学位, 或专业学位). The amounts and types of financial aid for which a student is eligible is determined, 在某种程度上, 按照他们的程序级别.

奖学金: Gift Aid that is typically based on merit, 如, 学术, 人才, 与各种团体的联系, or career aspirations or a combination of merit and need.

自助: An institution's expectation that a student contribute toward their education using a combination of loans, student employment 如 Federal Work-Study, 和/或夏季储蓄.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants: Federal grants for undergraduate and graduate students, awarded in exchange for specific future teaching service in designated high-need fields and low-收入 elementary and secondary schools. If a student does not complete the required teaching service, the grant becomes a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan that must be repaid.

未满足的需求: The student's Cost of Attendance, minus their Expected Family Contribution or Family Financial Responsibility (如果适用的话), less any need-based aid received, 比如礼品援助, Federal Work-Study or Federal Direct Subsidized 贷款.

验证: A federally mandated process to confirm the accuracy of data provided by selected applicants on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To complete the verification process, 学生, 他们的父母(年代), 或配偶, 如果适用的话, are required to provide certain documents to the school for review. If the documentation 学生 provides the institution doesn't match what was reported on the FAFSA, verification can result in changes to 学生's financial aid eligibility, 和/或经济援助.
